Attractively lively and animated, bubbling with enthusiasm and exuberance which flow effortlessly from an endless natural spring within the heart of the vivacious person, this is vivacità.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day Twenty-Six: Poop and Sawdust

Cassie, Caroline, and I were instructing Ben on some of the gross things that are in food, such as the secretions of beetles which are used to make Junior Mints shiny, sawdust and sand used as fillers, and even animal poop, the use of which I can't recall (I think I blocked it out!), and human hair.

Convincing Ben of the need to be ever diligent about the foods we eat was easy.

The conversation's hilarious laughter came when Cassie - with her usual passionate flair - summed up her feelings about these disgusting additions to our food.

"I'm just sick of eating poop and sawdust!"

See? Still enthusiastic and laughing as we near the finish line.

During the process of harvesting the sticky secretions, beetles are also scooped up and become part of the shellac.

Lesson for Today: Keep your eye on that ingredient list. If you aren't sure what a listing is, think twice before purchasing or ingesting the item.


deanna said...

'Tis amazing we're all still alive, yes? (Good to know about the beetle juice before Halloween.)

Cherie said...

I know, Deanna. Kind of disgusting....and sort of funny, especially when Cassie and Caroline are explaining things.