Attractively lively and animated, bubbling with enthusiasm and exuberance which flow effortlessly from an endless natural spring within the heart of the vivacious person, this is vivacità.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day Four - Tea and Turkey

The sun is shining! First time in days, so I'm posting a quickie in order to get in a game of tennis before the weather changes.

This morning Tom realized we are out of our favorite Jasmine Tea. He brewed a pot of chai before looking at the ingredients. Oops. Questionable ingredients in tea. Good grief! Fortunately we looked before we sipped so our purity remains. To the store, to the store, to the store I say! Love that morning Jasmine.

An eighteen pound sage, rosemary, and apple-stuffed turkey is roasting in the oven as I write. A warmish, sunny Thanksgiving-scented day, me in my shorts and t-shirt, Tom splitting wood, the girls at their French tutor lesson, the beagle lying in the sun, this day is off to a great start, tea mishap notwithstanding.

The morning of Day One I weighed, for statistical purposes. Though I rarely weigh myself, instinct nudged me to do so today. Stepping on the scale, squinting in fear that the weight may have gone up because the food is so good and plentiful, I peeked through my eyelashes. What? I've lost two pounds? Huh? Well, hey, nice surprise there.

I have plenty of weight to lose so this is not unforeseen. A chubber, me. I didn't accept this challenge for reduction of the chub but to learn about the foods I eat and how to improve. To give myself the healthiest aging possible I strive to attain better habits.

Tea. Turkey. Trimming up.

I LIKE Day Four!

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