Attractively lively and animated, bubbling with enthusiasm and exuberance which flow effortlessly from an endless natural spring within the heart of the vivacious person, this is vivacità.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October Unprocessed, Second Time Around, Thirteen years Later, Day One

In 2011 my family and I participated in October Unprocessed, a month of eating better. According to the guidelines, unprocessed can be whatever a person wants it to be, but it must be an improvement on the quality of food one eats, especially with regards to processed vs unprocessed foods.

We went completely unprocessed last time. We read labels, we ate the way our great grandmothers would have eaten. In the end, we felt better, clearer, and more knowledgeable about the foods this country offers.

Well, here I am again, this time going it alone and with a few tweaks.

See, my family and I have greatly improved our eating since our adventure that October. We still eat processed foods now and then - mostly sweets because, to be honest, we are all addicted. But the quality of sweets is improved and the quantity reduced.

This go 'round my aim is to tighten up the screws a bit and get back to more unprocessed and less sugar, because as we all know by now, sugar is the devil. (My blood sugar levels are always perfect, in case you wonder. Sugar is bad no matter how good ones' numbers are. It does terrible things to our bodies.)

Unless specifically noted, everything is fresh, homemade, organic, and the best I can find.

How will I feel in the end? We'll see?

I shall record my journey weekly, just for fun and accountability.


Breakfast: unsweetened oatmeal with organic raisins, cream (NOT ultra pasteurized), and a small pat of good butter. An organic apple, Good Belly probiotic juice, cinnamon tea with cream

*Gouter: Reese's peanut butter cups - okay not ideal, I admit it

Dinner: Baked chicken, mashed potatoes with cream and butter, fresh steamed broccoli, fresh picked tomatoes, sliced.

Dessert: Kefir

* 'Gouter', is a French word for the light afternoon snack enjoyed around three or four o'clock. For me, it's usually around three, if I partake at all.

Here we go!

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