Attractively lively and animated, bubbling with enthusiasm and exuberance which flow effortlessly from an endless natural spring within the heart of the vivacious person, this is vivacità.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Days Seven - Motivation is Key

Without real motivation it is difficult for me to get moving in an energetic way. I can sludge through my day, sure. But if something motivates me, pleasantness occurs.

My choices are sounder when I am motivated.

Today is a good example. I was hungry for my first meal of the day, at noon. I'd had a handful of nuts and some water earlier on. 

What to eat, what to eat? 

Then, I saw the naan bread on the counter. I'd forgotten about it. All of a sudden my thoughts swirled with possibilities. 

I plucked chicken meat off some pieces of a roast chicken from Friday night as I heated up the cast iron skillet. Some good chunks! Yum!

I drizzled a bit of extra virgin olive oil onto one side of the bread and helicoptered some salt on top, placed it oiled-side down in the skillet, and let the heat do its magic.

While the bread was browning, I tore apart a large lettuce leaf, grabbed a fresh tomato from my garden and rough chopped it, and sliced a red onion piece which I cut into small pieces. 

Time to flip the bread after oiling and salting it.

I poured myself a short slender glass of probiotic juice, quartered a juicy organic apple, and poured a big glass of water.

When the bread smelled browned and delicious, I lay it onto my plate, scooped the chicken on top, added the tomato, onion, lettuce, and several basil leaves fresh from the garden. Then, a little salt and pepper before I folded it in half.

It was beautiful!

It was so tasty it hit the spot like nobody's business!

Today's motivation was the naan bread purchased last evening. That unique food item sparked my mid-day meal, and thus the creative energy that propelled through the rest of my day.

See? Small things. Anything. Noticed things.

I've been happy and energetic and productive all day.

Life is only as hard as we make - and I make it haaaarrrrd sometimes.

Still learning.

Still learning.

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