Attractively lively and animated, bubbling with enthusiasm and exuberance which flow effortlessly from an endless natural spring within the heart of the vivacious person, this is vivacità.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Snooty-Pants Cookie Rant

The French macaron (mac-uh-rohn), not to be confused with the macaroon (a nest of coconut), or with Emmanuel Macron (President of France), is a sweet little pristine French sandwich cookie

Note the number of 'o's' and syllables. 

It is a pet peeve of mine to hear macarons mispronounced as macaroons or even Macrons. 

Tom and I were watching a show last week featuring two wealthy and supposedly fabulously-cultured American college women summering in Paris, intermittently speaking fluent French to waiters, limo drivers, each other, you get the picture. All was well until, while dining at a charming outdoor sidewalk café, one young woman leaned over the small gold-rimmed round table and enthusiastically asked the other, "Ohhh, shall we order some macaroons?" 

They did order. No coconut cookies arrived, only sweet colorful macarons on an ornate étagère. 

Ask Tom how peeved I get when this happens. He is so well-versed in my peevishness that he now whips his head around and looks at me, waiting for me to say, "It's not macaroons!!!" In fact, he has said it all on his own. Sometimes we blurt it together: "It's not macaroons!!!" (He's such a work of art after being under my tutelage for over four decades.) 

Honest cookie mistakes I can tolerate, but seriously, it's not that hard. Delicate colorful French sandwich cookies are macarons. Not macaroons, macarons. One 'o' makes all the difference. 

Now that you know to call macarons macarons and not macaroons, please sow seeds of correctness everywhere you go. It will make the world a more civilized place, and you a bright star. 

Carry on.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Home Stretch - Last Three Days

October has been a most pleasant month for me.

Beautiful autumn scenery, a gorgeous surprise around each corner.

Family time.

Cooler weather.

Soup making.

Fires in the wood stove - one or two.

And time to think about my eating and its effects.

Illumination: sugar makes me cranky, unreasonable, tired, sleep-deprived.

I knew sugar negatively impacted me, but after not eating it for a few weeks, then giving in, the effects were loud and clear.

It's a good thing to know.

So, I'm pleased with this October Unprocessed adventure, second time around.

Good things learned, a little weight lost, more energy, creativity restored, back on track for the holidays.

I can do it.

So can you!

Never surrender!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Week Three: Going Strong!

It would be difficult to overstate the importance of the mind in achieving lifestyle changes. In fact, I will go so far as to say, for me at least, it's impossible to achieve permanent changes without my mind first understanding, agreeing with, and embracing the change desired.

All that to say that after years of working to change my eating habits from rather mindless and super-sugared to mindful and natural foods, changes have taken place. 

I have been, of late, ramping up the input into my mind, input that provides positive reinforcement. I watch soothing, quiet videos of cooking Mediterranean foods. I watch videos of people living quietly and purposefully in France or Italy or Greece. I find myself energized. I find myself inspired. I find myself calm.

These moments of reframing my life in my mind eventually stir me to actions both intentionally and, happily, spontaneously. I pause before food choices determining if they are the best for me in the moment. Impetuousness is rapidly disappearing. 

I picture myself differently now. I picture someone who lives in beauty and health, naturally and comfortably because the choices serve my goals. I picture someone who enjoys living, someone who realizes the decisions made today create the moments that follow. 

Success or stuckness depends on the current mindset and then on the subsequent choices.

It's all coming together.

It's taken years. Years!

Changing one's mind is not a decision to take lightly. It is serious business, complicated business, and very very rewarding.

I weighed on Saturday, two days ago, and was happily surprised to see that my weight has decreased 5 pounds already. No suffering at all, just beautiful food, nurturing choices, and a mind at peace with my body.

Never surrender.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Ten Days in the Middle of October Unprocessed: Successfully Sorting It All Out

Though my posts are few and far between, still my October Unprocessed carries on quite well.

Even so, a few no-no's have crept in, still my eating is healthy and under control much more than normal.

Though my stress levels are through the roof, still I am conscious of that fact and take proper measures to dispel the buggers which trigger stress eating.


  * * * Think it through.


  * * * Think it through.


  * * * Think it through.

And then, focus on the differences between feeling and being healthy and feeling and being unhealthy.

Breathe some more.

  * * * Study the goals, get them into my head, any way possible.

Carry on.

Seems to be working.

Never surrender.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Days Seven - Motivation is Key

Without real motivation it is difficult for me to get moving in an energetic way. I can sludge through my day, sure. But if something motivates me, pleasantness occurs.

My choices are sounder when I am motivated.

Today is a good example. I was hungry for my first meal of the day, at noon. I'd had a handful of nuts and some water earlier on. 

What to eat, what to eat? 

Then, I saw the naan bread on the counter. I'd forgotten about it. All of a sudden my thoughts swirled with possibilities. 

I plucked chicken meat off some pieces of a roast chicken from Friday night as I heated up the cast iron skillet. Some good chunks! Yum!

I drizzled a bit of extra virgin olive oil onto one side of the bread and helicoptered some salt on top, placed it oiled-side down in the skillet, and let the heat do its magic.

While the bread was browning, I tore apart a large lettuce leaf, grabbed a fresh tomato from my garden and rough chopped it, and sliced a red onion piece which I cut into small pieces. 

Time to flip the bread after oiling and salting it.

I poured myself a short slender glass of probiotic juice, quartered a juicy organic apple, and poured a big glass of water.

When the bread smelled browned and delicious, I lay it onto my plate, scooped the chicken on top, added the tomato, onion, lettuce, and several basil leaves fresh from the garden. Then, a little salt and pepper before I folded it in half.

It was beautiful!

It was so tasty it hit the spot like nobody's business!

Today's motivation was the naan bread purchased last evening. That unique food item sparked my mid-day meal, and thus the creative energy that propelled through the rest of my day.

See? Small things. Anything. Noticed things.

I've been happy and energetic and productive all day.

Life is only as hard as we make - and I make it haaaarrrrd sometimes.

Still learning.

Still learning.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Day Four - Gathering Inspiration From An Unusual Place

This morning as I watched a YouTube video hosted by a talk show host whom I shall not name - he has been around a long time and is quite famous - I noticed something.

Mr. Host has lost some weight. His face is thinner, as is his neck. His shoulders are less round and schlumping. 

I remembered him saying a couple of weeks ago, just in passing, that he'd been off sugar for about four months. I didn't think anything of it, but did retain the information. He'd become quite obese, lumbering even, and I wondered if his sugar denial stemmed from a health issue. Again, I didn't give it much thought at the time.

But today, his appearance revealed a noticeable change. I guess I hadn't been paying attention, usually just finding a video and listening, not watching. The change caught me off-guard this morning. I was surprised at how good and healthy and content he looks. His countenance more than anything gives away the fact that his determination to work toward better health is really paying off. 

In just four months.

I went back to former videos and sure enough, he was much larger four months ago. My, how he's changed in that one-third of a year.

His eyes are clearer, his skin, too, not waxy and sweaty looking as it has been. His freshly trimmed beard and hair reveal someone who is no longer averse to glancing in the mirror. His clothing suits him better; gone are the baggy flannel shirts and bulky hoodies.

Energetic, engaged, excited. He is back to his old self, and I couldn't be more impressed or happier for him, because I know what mirror avoidance is like. I know what breathlessness from too much abdominal fat is like. I know what facing limited and ugly clothing choices feels like, with extra girth keeping buttons from buttoning. I know what panic and anxiety over being stuck is like. It's horrible. 

I also know what success feels like, to befriend the mirror, and to find satisfaction and happiness in clothing that is attractive and fits well. I know the joy of breathing easier. I know the happiness of your face reappearing after having sunken into cheeks swollen with fat. I know the giddiness of feeling lighter, walking easier, doing everything easier. It's bliss. Every day.

Yes, podcast guy whom many people know, you inspired me today.
Congratulations on your successful journey. Keep it up! 

Your health flatters you!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Day Three - Unlearning and Relearning

An injury in my foot is really cramping my style. It is healing, slowly, as in the way of things.

I want to be in the kitchen whipping up all sorts of delicious foods but, alas, it's not to be. I have to stay off my foot awhile longer.

But I did carefully step into my herb and flower garden today where I sat at my little table to pluck coriander seeds and roll them into a bowl to dry. It's a ritual that always pleases me. The aroma! The colors! The peace and quiet!

Afterwards I again carefully stepped into another garden, the sun drenched backyard garden where the lush lawn cushioned my healing foot enough so that I could make it to the chaise lounge for a good long sun bathing, staring up into the maples, still green-leaved for the most part with a smattering of reds and yellows. A brilliant blue sky for a background, a warm low-in-the-sky autumn sun coaxing creatures out for a ramble.

All this got me to thinking about food. When, I wondered, did we go off the rails? I mean, ultra processed food is a rather new invention, becoming ubiquitous in the1980's according to Wikipedia. The addiction and dependence snuck up on us from then on creating massive sugar addictions and obesity, among other things. Who knew the dangers? 

Well, we do now.  

It's a hard habit to fully break for me, having utilized ultra processed food-like substances all of my married life without thinking about the harm they cause. I have gained a ton of weight from the 1980's until now. It is all too easy to stress-eat high-calorie fake foods: affordable, accessible, and palatable. 

I have to say, my palate has undergone an unlearning when it comes to these substances, though sometimes the Siren call wins. I'm always sorry afterwards, and I'm learning to remember the longer lasting sorrow before partaking. Most of the time. The gratification lasts minutes, the regret, hours. This I full well know.

Lying in a garden under the sun in between a large strawberry bed and an autumnally colored blueberry bush affirms to me that eating as God intended in not hard once the truth is known and embraced.

It just takes focus.

Now, for a cottage cheese and freshly picked tomato salad sprinkled with a few pumpkin seeds for my light supper. 

This is truly living!