Attractively lively and animated, bubbling with enthusiasm and exuberance which flow effortlessly from an endless natural spring within the heart of the vivacious person, this is vivacità.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Snooty-Pants Cookie Rant

The French macaron (mac-uh-rohn), not to be confused with the macaroon (a nest of coconut), or with Emmanuel Macron (President of France), is a sweet little pristine French sandwich cookie

Note the number of 'o's' and syllables. 

It is a pet peeve of mine to hear macarons mispronounced as macaroons or even Macrons. 

Tom and I were watching a show last week featuring two wealthy and supposedly fabulously-cultured American college women summering in Paris, intermittently speaking fluent French to waiters, limo drivers, each other, you get the picture. All was well until, while dining at a charming outdoor sidewalk café, one young woman leaned over the small gold-rimmed round table and enthusiastically asked the other, "Ohhh, shall we order some macaroons?" 

They did order. No coconut cookies arrived, only sweet colorful macarons on an ornate étagère. 

Ask Tom how peeved I get when this happens. He is so well-versed in my peevishness that he now whips his head around and looks at me, waiting for me to say, "It's not macaroons!!!" In fact, he has said it all on his own. Sometimes we blurt it together: "It's not macaroons!!!" (He's such a work of art after being under my tutelage for over four decades.) 

Honest cookie mistakes I can tolerate, but seriously, it's not that hard. Delicate colorful French sandwich cookies are macarons. Not macaroons, macarons. One 'o' makes all the difference. 

Now that you know to call macarons macarons and not macaroons, please sow seeds of correctness everywhere you go. It will make the world a more civilized place, and you a bright star. 

Carry on.

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