Attractively lively and animated, bubbling with enthusiasm and exuberance which flow effortlessly from an endless natural spring within the heart of the vivacious person, this is vivacità.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Food Around the World

Time Magazine posted an eye-opening selection from a book entitled What the World Eats.

A fascinating portrayal of food consumption and money spent (converted to U.S. dollars) per week by individual families all around the world.

For example: (click on photo to enlarge)

United States: $341.98

Japan: $317.25

Mexico: $189.09

China: $155.06

Italy: $260.11

Bhutan: $5.03

Chad: $1.23

I've posted only seven of fifteen photos. Click here to see the rest of them. I think you'll agree it's a worthwhile use of your time. A healthy dose of reality does a person good.


tshsmom said...

This is the kind of thing I think about when I get depressed about our circumstances. I feel blessed to know that clean, plentiful water is available here!

I spend $100/week tops.

Cherie said...

We spend about $150 but that includes soaps and household supplies as well.

Fresh water truly is a blessing I think we should all be more grateful for.

I go to this depiction when I feel like I could do better - it always straightens me out.