Attractively lively and animated, bubbling with enthusiasm and exuberance which flow effortlessly from an endless natural spring within the heart of the vivacious person, this is vivacità.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Pizza from the Heart

So many pizza commercials on television! The craving began. Though hungry and out running errands, still, my sanity prevailed. I knew the ingredients for a satisfying pizza pie were in my cupboards and fridge at home.

Cassie made a crust.

I simmered up fresh marinara, browned chicken with garlic, chopped some thin asparagus, and chunked some fresh, soft mozzarella cheese.

Caroline prepped a pan, preheated the oven, and helped assemble.

In less than 45 minutes, start to finish, we had a hot pizza and, man, was it good. MUCH better than any pizzeria in the vicinity.

Patience. Oh, so worth it.

1 comment:

tshsmom said...

A LOT cheaper too! ;)