Splitting screen-headache. You know, the kind you get from looking at your computer or phone too long. It had to be done, but my head hurt like the Dickens.
It's Week Three of my new walking regimen.
Three times a week at first with a planned increase to five.
This week - and this is Wednesday - I have not walked once.
"Never let your excuses be stronger than your determination."
I read that somewhere.
It came to mind today.
Wavering between excuse and determination, I looked outside and saw heavy rain pouring down.
Resolve shaky.......wavering......but I do love the rain.
Determination won!
Joie de vivre!
Grabbing my pretty sage-green umbrella with the perfectly curved wooden handle, out the door I went.
And I walked.
In the first block, a kind woman wearing a hooded red rain jacket walked toward me, her genuine smile sweet and supportive.
"We must get in our walks!""Yes. We must!"
I felt proud to be a member of that group, you know, the women who walk for their health group. I used to be the queen of it. Now, I am a beginner once again.
On the second block my neighbor walked toward me in a navy blue rain jacket.
I told her that her daily walks had inspired me to get moving myself after a four year absence due to a knee injury and fear of pain. Her positive impact on me seemed to make her happy. We agreed that it was important to keep moving, that movement is life.
"Have a pleasant evening!"I walked on squishy rain-soaked leaves on the park's paths until I came to My Bench. It was wet, but I sat down anyway. A little water won't hurt me, and pants dry. I did my usual leg exercises while listening to the rain pelt the umbrella. What a pleasant sound!
I listened to and watched the rain splatter and bounce all around me. I began to smile. I do love water. A leaf fell on my umbrella, along with the rain, making a pretty red teardrop shape. The old-fashioned park lights came on, illuminating the paths and creating lovely shadows over the fall leaves and green grass.
While enjoying this reverie, I prayed for Audrey, the eight year old niece of my life-long friend, who suffers from a life-threatening brain tumor. She's back in the hospital with a dismal prognosis. Her lively spirit and sense of humor enliven all who know and love her. They cannot imagine life - or this world - without her in it. So, yes, I prayed for them all.
And I prayed for my friend who is recovering from COVID-19. She is doing well, but extremely fatigued. Her entire family contracted the virus, recuperating at different rates of speed. Prayers left my lips for them, as well.
Today, my determination was stronger than my excuses.
Tonight, I feel the endorphins of joy and relief and contentment.
My headache is long gone.
May I have this kind of success every day, in everything I hope to do.
And may you, as well.