Attractively lively and animated, bubbling with enthusiasm and exuberance which flow effortlessly from an endless natural spring within the heart of the vivacious person, this is vivacità.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Celebrating the Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sins of the World

We combined Passover and Easter foods today for our Resurrection Sunday Dinner. What fun! And the taste was out of this world, thanks to my many helpers.

Rotisserie Leg of Lamb
Tom hit it out of the park with this lamb today. Last evening, I stuffed the cavities left from bone removal with fresh-from-my-garden sage, chives, and rosemary, plus garlic. I also tucked spears of rosemary and long chives under the outer strings. Into a kitchen trash bag went the meat. Cassie poured an entire bottle of red wine into the bag, onto the meat. While pulling the bag up and pressing the air out we were able to get the wine to draw up and around the meat pretty well. We left it that way all evening, then turned the meat to continue marinating while we slept. Smelled divine! This morning, Tom fired up the old grill, speared the meat, and let it turn, turn, turn over smoking wood chips and a pan of water to keep the lamb moist. Cassie is so right when she describes what she learned in culinary school: it's not the tools, it's the person using the tools that determines the outcome. Tom gets all Gold Stars and Thumbs Up today! He has 'the magic touch.'

Farm Fresh Eggs which we Deviled
Tom picked these flowers from our yard for our centerpiece! What a sweet man!
The view from my Easter Dinner. 
Italian rosemary flatbread for unleavened bread, a roll because we like them, lamb which represents the Passover lamb and Christ the Lamb of God, Cheroseth (apples, nuts, brown sugar, honey, and wine) symbolizing the mortar the Israelites used to build Egyptian buildings, eggs representing New Life because of Christ's resurrection, and radishes as 'bitter herbs' for the bitter time in Egypt (which we dipped in the little white cups of salt water which represents tears shed.) And asparagus, because it's yummy, plus four flavors of jams, jellies, and preserves including Prickly Pear Cactus Jelly from Sedona, Arizona!

Caroline's Famous Chocolate Cake topped this meal off in style! The pictures do not do it justice. It's moist and not too sweet, but oh, so chocolatey. The first photo is the frosting being prepared, the second, obviously, the finished cake, the third is Caroline's piece of cake. Wish you were here!

While the foods of Passover and Easter remind us of what we are celebrating - the most relevant, important event in all of history - it is our very living in the light of the truth of the Resurrection of Jesus, our Promised Messiah, that gives us Strength, Courage, Joy, Love, and Hope.

Christ is Risen, Hallelujah!

And Happy Resurrection Sunday to You!