Rather than being a season of 'without' I'm finding my own personalized version of Lent to be a season of discovery, happiness, meaning, and connection.
When I noticed in my readings two days ago that, "The pretzel is actually a food invented for Lent: its name means 'little arms' in German, and the shape is meant to be arms folded in prayer," I shared the delight with Cassie and Caroline. We knew pretzels represented arms folded in prayer, we didn't know they were created for Lent.
The next morning I awakened to a bowl of rising pretzel dough and Cassie's enthusiastic face. Caroline was particularly happy when she arrived home from acting class to the aroma of freshly baked goodies.
In removing some of the fluff and nonsense from my life I find new and surprising adventures around corners. In opening up time for myself I find a freedom that calms, encourages, gives space for naturally focusing on what matters. It's the way life was lived just a few years ago, simpler, before media filled our minds and hours with its insistence, before daily living became a hurried chore, before personal identification was gulped by an ever homogenizing culture leaving a desperate need to be heard, seen, understood.
It's been helpful, this chosen deeper observation of the pivotal time in history when God dwelt among humankind. Helpful, light, enjoyable, refreshing. Finding my own way, with my daughters, we go where we will, read what interests, follow what beckons. Instinctually we allow the things of God to present themselves to us in big and small ways, not religiously, not in step with an organized church, just in step with the soft whispering of hearts that long to know and love their Creator all the more.
Cassie's pretzels were delicious, of course. But more than that, their presence gave rise to meditation as we contemplated little arms folded in prayer to our Savior, and what He means to us.
Attractively lively and animated, bubbling with enthusiasm and exuberance which flow effortlessly from an endless natural spring within the heart of the vivacious person, this is vivacità.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Unprocessed Lent
Yet there is something interesting in taking weeks to prepare for the meaning and importance of Easter. I thought it might be beneficial to participate with so much of the world, for the experience.
Time set aside for daily scripture readings along with other inspirational literature.
Good to really ponder these things.
I wouldn't want to 'observe' fasts and liturgies year-round. That religious, repetitive manner of pursuing truth and righteousness can become so commonplace that meaning fades, monotonous drudgery sets in. At least for me.
However, this year, this Easter, while I have so much for which to be thankful, I'm taking the extra mindsight to look inward, to ponder and seek the Most Real Being, to think about.....God. And naturally, Jesus' life and death.
I especially like reading about Jesus' life. Can't wait to meet Him face to face in the Age to Come, the Kingdom of God. He impels me to want to know more, to sit at His feet, ask, and listen.
For now, though, I shall try to honor the God of the Passover and the Resurrected Savior with my meditations and my meals.

We got a little off track after November. Not much. But somewhat.
Lent seems like a good time to give up the old comfort foods and concentrate on what is real.
In food and in Life.
"Sinful men and women can be changed into new creatures by the marvelous work of God in Christ Jesus, which is prior to all experience." ~~ Oswald Chambers
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