Weeks after completing October Unprocessed 2011, my family and I have remained 'unprocessed' by choice. Eating real food that tastes better, looks better, and smells better has great benefits, one of which is the shedding of excess fat. Weight loss is not the reason we eat this way, it's simply a pleasant side effect.
This morning I stepped on the scale out of curiosity. Tom told me yesterday that I look a bit smaller. Just a bit. So I weighed. I lost weight this week - no restriction, no suffering, just mindful eating.
I've lost four pounds this month after losing five in October. I'm not even trying!
The difference is that the food is so good - and so whole - that a little goes a long way. At Thanksgiving's Feast I took small amounts of everything. It was more than enough. A piece of pie later in the day and I was done. Normally, I would have eaten a turkey sandwich a few hours after the feast, and contemplated a second piece of pie. Didn't even want them on Thursday.
Not only do I consume less food, but because of its quality I have more energy. I feel strong. Energetic. Creative. Happy. I find myself wanting to take walks, wanting to rake leaves, craving activity because it feels good. Naturally.
The Happy was definitely in Thanksgiving this year. Family, friends, food, yes. Happiness there. Lots of love. In addition, my own personal wellness added a dimension to the entire holiday that has for years been missing. A childlike joy.
I hope my internal joy and increasing health spreads to those around me and carries us contentedly through Christmas and into a Bright New Year.
Such a Gift!