Daughters and I have perused the rules and suggestions, one of which is to make a custom plan that suits our needs and goals. Check and Double Check.
Because one of our needs is to continue drinking milk, we are following the advice of Challenge experts by adding one Deliberate Exception to our personal plan: we will continue to drink homogenized milk, though it is processed. I know, I know, raw is where it's at. But we can't afford raw milk right now. We do buy a more expensive local milk, Lochmead, because it is hormone and antibiotic free, plus the dairy does not ultra-pasteurize, a process I believe Louis Pasteure would find abhorant. But that's another post. Perhaps someday raw milk will be affordable to those with tight food budgets, but until then, well, we do what we can.
Our journey's goal is to explore the world of unprocessed foods by eating only them for the month of October, 2011. We are heading into this challenge with a sense of discovery and excitement. What will we learn about our current eating habits? How will our food tastes change, if at all? What will be the economic result? How will we feel in the beginning, middle, and end of this adventure? Will this be hard or easy? And, most enthusiastically we wonder, will our participation in the Challenge yield only a short term diversion or a long term life-style shift?
Cassie, Caroline, and I (and Tom, on a sort of wait-and-see basis) are heading into this month free of expectation and micromanagement, one day at a time. Menus will be made a day in advance so that we don't find ourselves up a creek, hungry, and thus tempted.

Enthusiam abounds! (And to be honest a sort of, 'What are we getting ourselves into?' feeling. Kind of like the feeling one experiences in that pause when the roller coaster harness and safety belt are in place but the ride has yet to move. Yeah, that feeling. Which is okay because I LOVE roller coasters.)
Preparation for tomorrow's foray into unprocessed-land were made today, just so you know. Pizza was eaten, as well as ice cream. Cravings subdued, we await October, rested and eager.
'Here we go!'